Friday, 15 March 2013

This is happening!

A couple of months ago I had the idea of making a list of things to do while I'm 29.  It stemmed from a sense of disbelief, really, about my twenties coming to an end.  Not out of fear, not out of a sense of feeling old, and not out of a feeling of not having accomplished anything in my twenties.  In fact, I feel like my twenties have been filled with all kinds of accomplishments - good ones and bad ones (if there is such thing as a negative connotation of "accomplishment").

Really, as I said in a facebook post where I solicited friends for ideas for the list, I want to do something special to do to honour what seems like some kind of growing up milestone.  A list makes sense.  I love lists (sounds cliche, but I don't care - it's true).  I'm not looking for a life-changing list, but it makes for a good way to document a big year.

And this blog will be my way of keeping track of it all.  More than anything, I think (hope) that this will keep me accountable so that I'll actually follow through with the list.  I'm not a great writer, so this might be unreadable, but it's for me more than anyone else, so muddle through it, or don't read, I guess!

The only thing that might disappoint is this: I'm not going to reveal my list off the bat.  One thing at a time, maybe a few things at a time (or a few things in advance)... maybe before I check it off the list, maybe after.  But not all in one go.

So, first list item coming soon - this weekend at some point.  Kind of a cop out:


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  1. I'm going to be your biggest cheerleader (besides Sean). I look forward to reading it all. In other news I found some admission coupons for Heritage Park, so I hope old timey pics make the list.
